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Are New York’s Distracted Driving Laws Effective?

Distracted driving is a big problem on the nation’s roadways. Most states-including New York-have determined that they can reduce motor vehicle accidents if cell phone use while driving was banned, and have passed laws preventing or limiting cell phone use while driving. But a new study by researchers at the Highway Loss Data Institute reveals …

Leandra’s Law Marks One Year

By now, New Yorkers are very familiar with Leandra’s Law, the 2009 rule that toughened drunk driving penalties within the state. The law made it a Class E felony if caught driving while intoxicated if a child under the age of 16 was present in the vehicle. Additionally, anyone convicted of a DWI, even first-time …

New York Drivers: Put Down the Cell Phone or Pick Up Two Points

New York drivers should be aware of new license penalties for driving while using a handheld cellphone. As of February 16, the New York Department of Motor Vehicles plans to begin assessing two points to any motorist’s license if the driver is ticketed for distracted driving while using a cell phone. New York drivers who …

Football Star Faces DWI Charges

New York Jets wide receiver Braylon Edwards was driving in Manhattan last September when he was pulled over by police. Edwards was returning home with several teammates from a charity fundraiser, but his Land Rover had tinted windows, which police were on the lookout for on the west side of Manhattan during early morning DWI …

Newburgh Traffic Ticket and Arrest Data

Nestled on the Hudson River, Newburgh, New York, is rich with history. But besides being the site of the British surrender to Washington, it also holds another, less-than-stellar distinction. Newburgh has highest crime rate of any city in New York state. With a population of barely 29,000, high crime is a generational problem that Newburgh …

Alcohol Energy Drinks Raise Public Health Concerns

In recent years so called “energy” drinks have become popular, especially among overnight workers and college students. High in caffeine, the drinks became favorites for the energy boost they provided. But newer drinks that mix caffeine with alcohol have drawn concern from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration following complaints the combination led to traffic …

Challenging Blood-Alcohol and Breath Tests in DWI Cases

If you’re pulled over for a DUI arrest and “fail” a blood-alcohol test, don’t give up. As a recent New York court case shows, lawyers can use many extenuating circumstances to challenge a guilty verdict. The case stemmed from an October 17 incident outside a bar in Westchester County. Henry Danroy Jr., a 20-year-old Pace …

NHTSA Launches Halloween Impaired Driving Prevention Campaign

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is launching a nationwide campaign this Halloween to tackle drunk driving. From October 25 to October 31, NHTSA plans to initiate the Impaired Driving Prevention Campaign. The campaign is designed to assist local communities across the country spread the message in their areas about the dangers of drunk …